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If I told you to deliberately do something wrong… would you?

So I’m on the golf course. I’m standing on 2ndtee, I’ve hit my last drive to the right and into the trees. I put my ball on the tee and I’m ready to drive. The inner voice starts up: “Why, am I hitting my drives in the trees. This isn’t my day. I’ve got a bad slice. I just know I’m going to hit my ball to the right again, aren’t I?”  I swing and where do you think my ball goes? Yup, you guessed it, exactly where I told myself to put it.

In this moment, even though I’m capable of much better, my subconscious would rather I follow my negative instructions and look sane rather than do what I’m capable of (i.e. hit the ball straight) and look insane. It’s all about the subconscious’ primary role of protecting us. More on this and how to find items that you lose in the attached short video.