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Looking beyond what’s possible right now, to what might be.

Is it seeing is believing or believing is seeing?

It’s an interesting question. Most of the time we formulate our beliefs and attitudes through our experiences. We seek proof before we believe.  And so we ‘see and then believe’.  An example of this is when a younger child sees an older sibling riding a bike, so that they see and therefore believe that it is possible. 

We are also able to ‘believe in order to see’. “Believing is seeing” is another form of thinking. An open-minded, future orientated type of thinking and it’s not so common. It is when we ‘believe something without seeing it; without proof’. Pioneers, inventors, explorers, scientists, entrepreneurs, leaders and successful people have this ability. The ability to ‘believe it’s possible” without proof. To look beyond what’s possible right now, to what might be.

So is this ‘believing is seeing’ thinking reserved just for the exceptional? 

Yes and you can learn it too. We are able to expand the way we think; to look beyond what we are capable of at this moment in time. To examine the conditioning and assumptions that are holding us back from performing at a higher sustainable level; fulfilling our potential.

If you’re interest in giving yourself an edge and finding out more about how successful people think, please go to https://ahaltd.co.uk/power-thinking/or get touch with an email at info@ahaltd.co.uk