What is Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

Emotional Stress Release (ESR) is a very effective Kinesiology balancing technique. It is excellent for the relief of stress, overwhelm, pressure, exam stress, trauma, confrontation, calming nerves, worry, panic attacks etc

How it works?

When an event or series of events causes the Fight, Flight or Freeze reflex (red mist, can’t think, overwhelm etc) is triggered in the Amygdala (emotion regulator of the brain), we need to move the blood away from this area of the brain to the Prefrontal Cortex (“the Executive part of the brain’) where we can think rationally, clearly and calmly.

We can do this by lightly holding the 2 Neurovascular points on the top of our Forehead (the horns just below the hairline and directly above our eyes). These points are capillaries that increase blood flow to the front of the brain, drawing the blood away from the Amygdala.

This technique can be applied as and when required and at home.

Please watch the video for a free demonstration of ESR.